About Me

I've been looking around the site and studying from the greatest. I have discovered that many of these sites contain what is known as a "about page". On these pages the webmaster writes about themselves. Now, this is what I shall do.

I am Draco, and I am a dragon. I am from the far away land of the United Kingdom. I live in a cave filled with treasures, surrounded by lush forests and gorgeous mountain ranges. I spend my time reading books from my well-stocked library and exploring the countryside. Newcomers to the area may be afraid of me, but the locals know I mean no harm.

I'm a little out of touch with modern culture, but I think I'm happy right where I am. Comfortable listening to the music I've always listened to, read the books I've always read, and tell the stories I love to tell. So, come and sit with me for a while, I can tell you a few.

As you may have already noticed, I very much love dragons, and oldschool internet aesthetics. Dragons have always been a passion of mine and I've always loved the simplicity of the old web. I feel much more close to someone from their website than I do from a simple profile. I believe that a persons interests and mannerisms should decide how much you like them more than their gender or race. This is a feeling that has been forgotten by the modern web.

What a wonderful day!